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Page history last edited by Cathie Norris 6 years, 5 months ago

Articles Published by IMLC - Intergalactic Mobile Learning Center @ UMich


Description - Collabrify Suite of Productivity Apps - Norris Soloway IMLC.pdf  

Free, Device-independent, Tiny-Footprint Tools that Support Synchronous Collaboration and Social Learning

Description - Roadmap.Center Platform.pdf

Free, Device-independent, Tiny-Footprint Tools to Manage the Life-Cycle of a Digital Lesson

Creating, Distributing, Enacting, Assessing, Reflecting and Sharing Digital, OER-based Lessons


WeCollabrify MACUL Journal Spring 2015 FINAL.pdf WeCollabrify: FREE Collabrified Apps That Support Synchronous Collaboration,

Cathie Norris, Elliot Soloway, Jennifer Auten, Ronda Duran, Kimberly Lee, Sr. Rebecca Mierendorf, Cheryl Zuzo

Teachers!! Teachers who have been using the collabrified apps contributed to this article. The article will give you some good ideas on how to use the collabrified apps in YOUR classroom! 


ET jan-feb Norris-Soloway.pdf Norris, C., & Soloway, E. (2015). Mobile technology in 2020: Predictions and implications for K-12, Educational Technology, 54(1), 12-19.


Twelve Factors Ed Tech - March-April 2016 v2.pdf Norris, C., Soloway, E. (2016). Twelve Factors Leading to Fundamental Pedagogical Change in a Primary School: A Case Study, Educational Technology, 56(2), 25-29



WeCollabrify: FREE Collabrified Apps

That Support Synchronous Collaboration

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